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Year-End Roundup: Posts You May Have Missed

Lots of people do year-end retrospectives on various topics. We’d like to take a look at the year’s blog posts and highlight our (not necessarily your) favorites.

Some rights reserved by Ed Yourdon
Social Media Hall of Shame  The Hall is our compendium of social media fails (epic and otherwise) by some of the savviest brands, enterprises and companies around. It’s due for an update in January 2012, so watch for that.
Flashing the Mob With Digital Community Officers  We’ve certainly seen enough evidence that the State needs to pay attention to social media this year. SMPG Partner Ken Morris, JD, proposes that Digital Community Officers make their policing objectives transparent and become a part of the digital community.
8 Steps to Starting a Business Relationship Using Social Media  SMPG Partner Robbie Johnson has designed a simple eight-step process for B2B sales using social media. The proven process has enabled him to land accounts with major multibillion dollar corporations—without ever doing a sales pitch.
Social Media on Less Than Two Hours a Day  We often get asked how long it takes to maintain a social media presence. In this post, we laid out social media tasks that will take you less than two hours a day, but which will broaden and deepen your social media presence.
What CIOs Need to Know About Social Media  We dug up an 18-month-old post on Mashable on the subject of CIOs and social media and created a series—still ongoing—of reactions and suggestions.
Leadership on the Cutting Edge  We wax philosophical on the role of leadership during times of rapid, threatening change like, say, now, with social media, mobile, tablets, the always-on enterprise, and other intimidating and rapid technological change.
How Can Social Media Scale?  Customer 2.0 is currently more influenced by friends’ – or even strange but real people – recommendations than almost any other single buying decision input. If the old ways of marketing and advertising go the way of the buggy whip or the bookstore, how can social media scale to take its place? This is the first post of a series that proposes the answer: creating a social media evangelist program.
The Tyranny of the Social Customer  A story on another blog about a guy who tried to return worn out shoes for full credit and then threatened the retailer with Facebook sent a chill up our spines. Has social media now given customers too much power?
How to Identify a Bad Social Media Proposal  We lose it a bit when a colleague gets a brain-dead social media proposal and starts to take it seriously!

Many other of our posts are excerpts from our book, Be a Person: The Social Operating Manual for Enterprises. To follow them in order, start at What is Social Media? We are slowly serializing the book in this space. If you can’t wait (we’re only up to page 124 of 430), you can buy the book at

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