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Google Creates ‘Helpouts,’ a Video Service for One-On-One Expert Advice

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Businesses and topic experts who use the new tool will be able to set and charge fees for their services, Google says.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

In our Infinite Pipeline books (, we stress that the best way to do sales and marketing using social media is to solve customers’ and prospects’ problems. Luckily for us, the executive edition of Infinite Pipeline is still prepress (help us finish it at: so that we can include the new Google Helpouts service.


Helpouts is basically an extension of Google Hangouts, but adds the ability to schedule live consultation sessions with a provider, who lists their services with Google. Providers can provide assistance gratis or charge for sessions. This could be a great way to show off your company’s expertise and, by solving prospects’ problems, attract more sales.


We’ll be watching the rollout of Google Hangouts closely, and you may see a listing for Social Media Performance Group in the directory soon.


Via @EntMagazine

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