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Social Media Curation Guide

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Why social content curation?

People tend to trust more a recognized brand rather than some unknown one. The same can be said regarding to people. We naturally tend to consider someone as the trusted reference in a specific niche as we get to know them.
Thoughtful leadership is the real intangible gold that makes a Brand or a Person a leader in its niche. But none is born a leader.
Content curation, as a facet of content marketing, can be of help in making that objective true.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

This article is based on some Q&A during an SEOMoz Mozinar based on their  The Content Curation Guide for SEO,


There are some good recommendations in the article, and it includes one of my favorite Clay Shirky quotes:


"It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure," Clay Shirky once said. And filter failure happens if you are not able to organize the sources you have collected for performing you social content curation activity.


How do you manage your filter? Comment below.

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