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Social Networking Captures Almost 3/4 of US Adults 08/22/2013

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 (Newsflash: Social Media is the Internet: Social Networking Captures Almost 3/4 of US Adults: (via @MediaPost))…

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

According to Pew, "According to the PEW Research Center, as of May 2013, 72% of online U.S. adults use social networking sites, up from 67% in late 2012, and 8% in 2005." 

And one of the big winners, with really rapid recent growth, is a site that you probably think is totally useless: Twitter.

There’s lots more going on on social media than lame cat picture posts and babbling about what people are having for lunch.

We explain it all in our books:


Plus, we have Social Media training, including Social Media for Lawyers, available.

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