Seriously, who is using Google Plus? And Why?

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

“Overall, the range of visitors that are logged in to Google when finding these sites is typically between 15% and 25%. This is up from last year. Of course that number varries from site to site.

On Social Fresh for instance, over 50% of our visitors have been logged in to Google the last four months in a row! You are a savvy bunch of digital natives it seems.


This percentage is rising as a whole. And it will continue to rise.


Does this mean that about a fourth of all your visitors are using Google Plus? Not hardly.”


That’s putting it mildly. The analysis this article does is the percentage of people logged in to Google, not necessarily Google+. The article points out that logging in to any Google property, such as Gmail, counts.


Nonetheless, you shouldn’t discount the potential of Google+ because its parent is ubiquitous.

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