A Dozen Social Media Strategies for Lawyers
See on Scoop.it – Social Selling for Lawyers
“Lisa DiMonte of Washington, DC, the CEO of MyLegal.com, ran the interview. Among the things you’ll learn are:
The huge change from law firm marketing to business development.
Why an attorney’s legal training makes them skeptical of social media.
The overload of choices in online networking and the solution to dealing with it.
There is business to be had on online social networking.
Tips and techniques you can use on LinkedIn today.
The best lawyer profile I’ve ever found — it list clients, industry familiarize and case histories.
The power of recommendations on LinkedIn – focus on your business leadership, be a person to send referrals to, and identify the clients you want.
An undocumented “Easter Egg”: how to send a message to all of your contacts at once.
How much time to devote to online social networking.
Mistakes to avoid in online social networking.
Three approaches to posting a good message that people will read.
Using LinkedIn to target potential clients and identify the people you should approach.
It’s all at http://bit.ly/aKdtBL. It’s 30 minutes, so grab a cup of coffee, lean back and tune in.”
See on blog.larrybodine.com