The Key to Creating Content that Resonates with Your Audience | Copyblogger
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“One job you have as a content marketer is to think of your reader as a tuning fork. You need to publish great content in order to create resonance with that reader — to get that person to emit a particular tone that gets them to know, like, and trust you.
Try being:
– Specific — Each article should be simple and direct, no matter what length it is.
– Useful — Useful stuff is memorable, and it resonates with your audience.
– Brave — Don’t be afraid to say the things no one else is saying. if you’re out in front of the rest of the pack, you could be talking about something everyone else is afraid to talk about.
– Emotional — Good content gets us worked up. It stirs up emotion, whether that feeling is wonder, awe, happiness, sadness or anger.
It’s not often that you see the advice to be emotional in your content. But, folks, it’s *social* media, after all. You need to Be a Person (the name of our book series đ to make that connection with your readers.
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