SAPVoice: Are You Getting Too Close to Your Customers? Unraveling the Social Conundrum

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We’re all familiar with the power of corporate social sites to constantly monitor customer conversations.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

A study by NetBase and J.D. Power Panel raises the alarm about social listening and Big Brother. Not sure it’s warranted at the degree they claim.


However, some interesting findings include:


•Surprisingly, 32% of consumers of all ages and 38% of
Millennials (18–24-year-olds) have no idea companies are
listening to what they say

• Over 40% think listening online intrudes on privacy, even
though this is “social” media

• Nevertheless, nearly 50% say companies should listen to
improve products and nearly 60% want companies to
respond to complaints


Hmmm. So what do they really want? To be heard without being listened-to?

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