Leadership’s Essential Tie to Customer Experience and Employees

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

I hate when I start to sound like a scratched record. It’s exhausting for me and I’m sure for those who have to listen to me. However, I recently found myself saying this a lot: If you’re merely pr…

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

I particularly like this provocative statement:


If you’re merely providing a mediocre customer experience, then you may be better off providing a bad customer experience. Because at least if the experience is bad the customer will remember you. If you’re average… you will be forgotten. It’s that simple.

Wow! That’s a wakeup slap.

We talk about social media’s growing role in customer experience in a blog CIOs: The Social Call Center: http://wp.me/pYKPc-7p 


And in several other posts – search here: http://smperformance.wordpress.com/?s=%22customer+service%22 

See on switchandshift.com