“12 Hours of Separation” Connect Individuals on Social Networks

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Social networks can be used to track random individuals in just 12 hours provided the right incentives are on offer, say computer scientists.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Six degrees of separation no longer brings home the Bacon quickly enough. We’re all just 12 hours from being found by network searches by random people, according to a recent competition. 


Alex Rutherford at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi and a few pals have measured how quickly it is possible to track down random individuals around the world using a competition called the Tag Challenge, in which the goal was to find five individuals in five different cities in North America and Europe. The only clue was a mug shot of the individual, the name of the city he or she was in, and the fact that he or she would be wearing a T-shirt with the logo of the event.


Three of the five were found in 12 hours. Wow. 


Via @thedatabank

See on www.technologyreview.com