11 Social Media Marketing Predictions to Watch for 2014

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Social media predictions for 2014: Discover what social media pros predict for the year ahead.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

This is a particularly good roundup of predictions for 2014. They are:


#1: The Resurgence of Advertorial


#2: Employee Advocacy


#3: Facebook Forces a Strategic Refocus


#4: Social Networks Develop A/B Testing Tools for Brands’ Organic Updates


#5: Pay to Play


#6: Fusion Marketing and Fusion Dashboards


#7: Social Storytelling Will Shift


#8: The Age of Advocacy


#9: Paid Social Becomes a Requirement for Social Media Marketers


#10: Brand-Owned Network List-Building Matures


#11: Interactive Video Becomes Viable


 Via @fernjoseph

See on www.socialmediaexaminer.com

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